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Please click the thumbnail to view full size.  All models are built to 1:96 scale (1/8" = 1ft) unless otherwise stated

The following are models of larger sites, the scale is dictated by the acreage to be shown in the finished model.

These are topographical and show accurate relative ground elevations.


I-275/SR 60 Interchange, Tampa, FL.     PBS&J and the FL DOT.


The Village of Imagine, Orlando, FL for Playground Group, Orlando. 1/16th" = 1 ft.

Imagine Cropped.jpg (231874 bytes)   Imagine 010.jpg (80771 bytes)   Imagine 011.jpg (73347 bytes)   Imagine 012.jpg (66190 bytes)   Imagine 009.jpg (71518 bytes)


Snake Road, Clewiston for Seminole Tribe of Florida



Palm Beach County, Middle School, 98 - EE (1/16" = 1ft)   

BRPH1.JPG (37414 bytes)   BRPH10.JPG (64207 bytes)   BRPH2.JPG (26995 bytes)   BRPH8.JPG (28081 bytes)   BRPH5.JPG (26020 bytes)

University of South Florida, Parking Structure, (scale 1:30)

USF3.jpg (64023 bytes)   USF2.jpg (71889 bytes)   USF4.jpg (44124 bytes)   USF22.jpg (52205 bytes)   USF66.jpg (56490 bytes)   

'Luau', Condominium project, Destin, Florida, for Intrawest

Tiv5.jpg (54974 bytes)   Tiv8.jpg (60002 bytes)   Tiv37.jpg (62307 bytes)   

Tiv27.jpg (32627 bytes)   Tiv34.jpg (71620 bytes)   Tiv36.jpg (149043 bytes)

Panama City Beach Club Resort, Panama City FL.  (Scale 1:30)   

PCBC5.jpg (55099 bytes)   PCBC1.jpg (55209 bytes)   PCBC3.jpg (72644 bytes)   PCBC2.jpg (49050 bytes)

Mescalero School complex New Mexico, (scale 1:40)

Mes6.jpg (36673 bytes)   Mes7.jpg (30397 bytes)   Mes8.jpg (34826 bytes) 

The Preserve at Windward, Hoyt Architecture.

PAW-Maingate-3-WEB.jpg (73668 bytes)   PAW Maingate WEB.jpg (116989 bytes)   PAW rear balconies WEB.jpg (83258 bytes)   PAW-Lagoon-2-WEB.jpg (183001 bytes)   PAW-From-golfcourse-WEB.jpg (101891 bytes)

Believer's Life Assembly, Harvey, LA.  (1/16" = 1ft)

BL1.jpg (61167 bytes)   BL2.jpg (61950 bytes)   BL3.jpg (52743 bytes)   BL4.jpg (56450 bytes)   BL5.jpg (46835 bytes)