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Healthcare & Medical Facilities


Please click the thumbnail to view full size.  All models are built to 1:96 scale (1/8" = 1ft) unless otherwise stated


Jackson Memorial Foundation, Holtz Children's Hospital, Miami, FL.   Architect HLM.   1/4" = 1 ft.



Sarasota Memorial Hospital.  Gresham Smith & Partners. 1:360    (1" = 30')



Generic patient room at 1" = 1' for Infection Prevention department at Sarasota Memorial Hospital

YELLOW area = Patient Zone, RED area = Aseptic Zone per WHO guidelines.




Premiere Radiation Oncology, for Precise Construction



Estreno Properties, Premiere Oncology Center, Naples, FL. for Precise Construction



4571 Colonial Boulevard, Ft. Myers FL.  for Precise Construction  1/4" = 1 ft.



Proposed design for international client, including transportation case.  GS&P



Proposed design for domestic client, GS&P